- Success Stories, Uncategorized
- Environmental Resource Assessment & Management
Assessing Contamination in Abandoned Mines

CSS supports the Environmental Protection Agency with assessing contamination within abandoned mines. There are thousands of abandoned mines throughout the western United States. Many of these mines are leaching heavy metals into nearby streams or have contaminated soils causing vegetation die off.
CSS employee owners conduct field work to assess the extent of this contamination. During field excursions, staff collect soil and water samples and characterize the extent of contamination. The team analyzes sample on site and in the laboratory for heavy metals. This information informs remediation plans for contaminated sites.
Feature image credit: Peter Robbins, Unsplash
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Safety Support To First Responders
First responders put their lives on the line to help others, and our team helps safeguard their protection. Our team on contract with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Respiratory Protection Program works with staff to test respirators and establish secure fits. Similarly, they provide these fit tests for fire department personnel on a regular…

Developing a Decontamination Line Guide for EPA Responders
CSS employee owners supporting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Scientific and Technical Assistance for Consequence Management (STACM) contract have been working with the National Chemical Preparedness Workgroup and Sub Workgroups to create a decontamination (decon) line guide and detailed drawing for EPA on-scene coordinators and EPA’s special teams to use for emergency responses and incidents. The…

Examining Cetaceans for Contamination and Pathogens
CSS has employee owners who are experts in monitoring cetacean health. Several CSS scientists supporting NOAA’s Centers for Coastal Ocean Science have recently conducted research and tests on marine mammals to explore uncommon behaviors and causes for strandings. View some examples of this research below. Microplastics are becoming increasingly abundant in coastal and marine environments.…