Since 1982, members of our staff have supported EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs. As part of this contract, our staff assess environmental and human health impacts on anthropogenic chemicals. The agricultural industry is critical to food and textile production, it is a large contributor to the U.S. economy. Not only does the industry provide food and materials for the U.S., it also provides products that are high-demand exports for other countries. Our dedicated staff help support this important industry by helping to ensure products used by the agricultural industry aren’t adversely impacting humans, animals, and the surrounding environment.

Bee in a large, bright yellow bloom

Our work consists of

  • Evaluating pesticide residues in food and feed crops as well as livestock
  • Evaluating mammalian toxicity data for agricultural and industrial chemicals
  • Determining critical end-points, no-observed-adverse-effect levels and lowest-observed-adverse-effect, reference doses or reference concentrations, and cancer values
  • Assessing risk and analyzing weight of evidence
  • Evaluating chemical toxicity to non-target species
  • Determining no-observed-adverse-effect levels and lowest-observed-adverse-effect levels
  • Monitoring movement, metabolism, and degradation of chemicals in the environment
  • Evaluating regulatory compliance and quality assurance

For 41 years our staff have been providing these services to EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs, making this contract our longest client relationship!

Close-up view of a blueberry bush with hundreds of blueberries at all stages of ripeness
Blueberries rely on bees to pollinate them in order to produce fruit.

Mature cornfield stretching along side a road.
Amongst other uses, corn is often used as a feed crop, one in which our staff evaluate pesticide residues.

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Responding to HazMat Spills

CSS supports several Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) campuses throughout the U.S. On-site CSS personnel are trained in hazardous material spill response and clean-up and provide this support within buildings and throughout campuses. As part of our contract with the CDC Hazardous Waste Program, CSS hazmat-trained employee owners are responsible for safely collecting,…

Ongoing Support for the Huntington Beach Oil Spill

Oil spills are disastrous and the clean-up is ongoing. Following the Huntington Beach, California oil spill in October 2021, our staff supported the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Office of Response and Restoration with communications, data collection, and damage assessments. As various agencies collected data, our staff assisted the client in developing this map to…

Contributing to Wind Energy Area Designations 

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) recently announced two Wind Energy Areas (WEAs) in the Gulf of Mexico. The WEAs are located off the coasts of Galveston, Texas, and Lake Charles, Louisiana and have the potential to power nearly three million homes.   BOEM collaborated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to identify…