HABs Interagency Research and Action Plans
Our scientists helped set the standard for coordinated research and action to reduce the impacts of HABs.
HABs Interagency Research and Action Plans
CSS scientists served as coordinator of the Interagency Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act working group (IWG-HABHRCA). The interagency working group comprises 50 representatives from 13 federal agencies, the White House, and Congress, and coordinates development of research and action plans to reduce impacts of HABs. CSS staff successfully coordinated the development and production of two Congressional Reports as well as multiple policy and progress reports under the IWG-HABHRCA.
Additional Projects
Social Values Relative to Wind Energy
CSS assisted in the assessment of social values related to understanding and support of offshore wind energy sitings off North and South Carolina.
Audit and Inspection Support for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
For more than 35 years, CSS has provided quality control assessment support to the National Toxicology Program (NTP) on studies relating to the toxicological effects of chemicals in the environment.
Network Engineering Design and Support
CSS engineers and deploys large-scale networks to support multi-campus and multi-facility environments.
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