Front page of Coastal Communicators newsletter.

Congratulations to the communications team at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Office for Coastal Management on their award-winning publication, Coastal Communicators. As part of a subcontract with Lynker, our communication staff contribute to this monthly publication to help share tips, lessons learned, and best practices with other communicators and coastal programs who don’t have dedicated communication staff. 

Our graphic designer created the captivating design, populates the layout each month, and sends the final email to users. Our senior science writer, and senior communication specialist provide articles and other content based on their observations, questions from the audience, and best practices from personal experience. This publication has received positive feedback from the coastal programs, and NOAA managers and leaders, and has expanded beyond the original intended audience. Additionally, in 2020 the publication received a South Carolina Public Relations Society of America Award!

Read the issues below with articles from our communication staff. 

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