The Hawaiian Island of Maui was devastated by wildfires on August 8, 2023. As part of our support to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 Superfund Technical Assessment & Response Team (START)—for which we are subcontracted through Weston Solutions, Inc.—CSS employee owners have been on-site in three-week rotations to assist throughout the rigorous recovery process. 

  • Beginning of September: The first of three employee owners was deployed to Maui. This employee owner served as a START Field Team Lead for three weeks for one of the crews working in the historic town of Lāhainā on residential and commercial properties.  
  • September 29: The second employee owner was mobilized on September 29 to serve as the START Assistant Safety Officer and Environmental Team Lead. These roles included assisting with the health and safety of the field teams in Lāhainā. 
  • October 29: The third employee owner was mobilized and will continue serving as a START Field Team Lead with one of the field teams in Lāhainā (the role of the first mobilized employee owner) until early December. 

For more information on the larger effort, please visit the EPA storymap

CSS wants to extend our support to all impacted by the fires on Maui. We understand the on-going difficult time that residents are experiencing.  We are so grateful to the residents of Maui for your kindness and support to our employees during their stay on Maui.  Mahalo.  

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